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The Hidden Web

Ingenta – Gateway To Research Database of current article information taken from more than 18,000 multidisciplinary journals. Includes approximately 9 million articles published since 1988.

Powerize Collection of more than 10,000 sources including newswires, newspapers, newsletters and journals. The site indexes 32 million articles, profiles, reports, analyses and other documents.

Alpha Search is an extremely useful directory of “gateway” sites that collect and organize Web sites that focus on a particular subject.

Infomine Multiple Database Search Infomine might be called an “academic” search engine, focusing on scholarly resource collections, electronic journals and books, online library card catalogs, and directories of researchers. Unlike many Invisible Web search tools, Infomine allows simultaneous searching of multiple databases.

Infomine Scholarly Internet Resource Collections is intended for the introduction and use of Internet/Web resources of relevance to faculty, students, and research staff at the university level. It is being offered as a comprehensive showcase, virtual library and reference tool containing highly useful Internet/Web resources including databases, electronic journals, electronic books, bulletin boards, listservs, online library card catalogs, articles and directories of researchers, among many other types of information.

Jurist Legal Education Network University of Pittsburgh School of Law legal education portal, university-based academic gateway to authoritative legal information, instruction and scholarship online.

Federal Depository Library Program depository collections which are filled with information on careers, business opportunities, consumer information, health and nutrition, legal and regulatory information, demographics, and numerous other subjects.